Polyester Insulation
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Polyester Insulation

Polyester is a cost-effective, widely used form of insulation that is highly regarded for its thermal and acoustic benefits. Polyester is also known for its noise-cancelling and noise absorbing qualities - this means that your home will be private and soundproof.

An additional benefit of Polyester insulation is that it does not contain any breathable fibres. This is an important for whānau who have severe dust allergies and/or asthma, Polyester insulation will help minimise irritation.

Premier Insulation West Auckland supply Premier Polyester, 100% NZ made from lofted thermally bonded polyester fibres.

Benefits of Premier Polyester

  • Manufactured using 100% polyester fibre made from plastic bottles

  • Moisture resistant. If in the event the product does get wet it will dry out and the thermal performance will be restored to normal

  • Non-toxic and odour less - has low VOC’s (Volatile organic compounds)

  • Carries a 50 year durability warranty

  • Will not cause irritation, soft to touch and can be torn across the width

  • Vermin resistant

  • Non-combustible

  • Absorbs noise to create a quieter environment

Book a free home insulation

Call or email Premier Insulation West Auckland today to book a free home insulation assessment

Phone: 0800 467 855

Email: sales@premierwest.co.nz

Web: www.insulationwestauckland.co.nz


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Premier Insulation
West Auckland & Rodney
Unit 5, 184 McLeod Road
Te Atatu South
West Auckland

021 068 6083

2021 Premier Insulation West Auckland and Rodney |  Insulation West Auckland

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