Insulation Assessments
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Insulation Assessments

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

All of our home insulation assessments and quotes are conducted by a member of our Sales Team. They will visit your home or rental property to assess your current insulation, provide recommendations and/or quote.

Our free home insulation assessments include -

  1. A review and assessment of your existing insulation, including ceiling, wall and underfloor

  2. Check the lights in the ceiling – cutting around the light ducts maybe required for some types of lighting

  3. Check the fire ducting

  4. Check the H&S, to ensure the job is safe for our workers

  5. Check the property complies with the current insulation regulations

  6. Make a recommendation and/or quote regarding the best options for your home and your budget

Next steps – book a free home insulation assessment

Please call or email Premier Insulation West Auckland today to book a free home insulation assessment

Phone: 0800 467 855

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Premier Insulation
West Auckland & Rodney
Unit 5, 184 McLeod Road
Te Atatu South
West Auckland

021 068 6083

2021 Premier Insulation West Auckland and Rodney |  Insulation West Auckland

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